
Don Bosco Global Education

A2 - 45 DAYS Course

German language from the best German language institute in India

  • 480+ hours offline academics
  • Personal interaction with experts
  • Consideration of multilingualism and native language spoken from the beginning
  • Weekly speaking sessions

Can understand sentences and commonly used expressions associated with topics directly related to his/her direct circumstances (e.g. personal information or information about his/her family, shopping, work, immediate surroundings).

Can make him/herself understood in simple, routine situations dealing with a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and common topics.

Can describe his/her background and education, immediate surroundings and other things associated with immediate needs in a simple way.

Our Attractions

  • Daily speaking  sessions
  • Daily Reading sessions
  • Free weekly mock tests
  • Daily one to one sessions by two trainers
  • Unlimited access to master classes

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German Training



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